
在一次的瑜珈老師聚會中 被介紹到Shibashi


看了簡介說這是源自太極 我依照拼音翻譯猜 "會不會是太極十八式"?


果真就是"太極拳十八式"的簡易版 英文直接拼英翻成Shibashi




其實在這領域裡 "舶來詞"不少

除了梵文以外 中國的導引(Dao-yin) 氣功Qi-Gong也全被西方yogi含括在內



顯然,就專業上 當然無法和打那種競賽42式套路以精準漂亮為主的去作比較


這是我在Youtube 找到的Shibashi



來自 DVD 作者 Rosel Feder 她説""

Shibashi的出 現要源從東方宗教-道教 .這要追溯到第6世紀。

在中國它像是一種身體禱告 用來調和對宇宙的能量。










還是最好請專家鑑定一下 並向有經驗的教師學習




這裡的開始以及結束 皆以道家的禮儀(抱拳)向宇宙大地問候。







彎膝並前傾髖部.帶著手朝下向對著地球 ,就如同掌向下的來祝福保祐地球般。




Turn the palms up and lift upward towards the sky giving a Cosmic Greeting. Bring the palms together in prayer position in front of the heart. Be aware of your connection to all beings. 1. Waving hands by the sea – Stand feet hip-width apart face forward. Wave the arms up and down in the front. Keep the joints loose and the movement flowing like the waves of the sea. Be conscious of sending healing energy out through the palms. 2. Expanding chest on mountaintop – Facing forward. Bring the arms out in front at chest height, palms facing towards each other. Bend at the elbows and bring the hands towards the heart. Spread the arms out to the sides, opening the heart. Bring the hands back to the heart. Push the palms down towards the center (just below the navel). Create a balance between giving and receiving. 3. Painting the rainbow – Begin as the last movement but go above the head to the full extension of the spine. Turn the left foot and knee out to the side externally rotating at the hip just slightly. With the arms over the head palms facing each other sweep the left arm down to the left creating an arc. Bring the arm back up and repeat on the right. 4. Parting clouds – From the arms lifted position as you complete the previous movement turn the palms out and sweep both arms out to the sides, parting any clouds of disharmony. Turn the palms towards the front body and draw the hands up slowly until the arms are once again lifted over the head. 5. Weaving silk in the air – Facing forward bring the arms out in front as high as the eyes, palms facing each other. Draw the left palm along side the left ear and change the hand to a cup position as you bring it back to the front. Repeat the movement on the right side. The idea is to clear away noise pollution from our hearing and draw in cosmic music. 6. Rowing boat in the middle of the lake – Bring the feet at least shoulder-width apart and turn them out slightly. Make sure the knees are heading out over the feet. Squat to where it is a comfortable position for your knees. Take the seat back activating the abdominal muscles and folding at the hips (as if you were going to sit down). At the same time sweep the arms out at the sides in a large circular movement. Draw in energy as you come up and release the old and stale as you come down. Come back up to standing as you are sweeping the arms. The movement should be flowing. 7. Sage presents peach – Feet apart at least shoulder-width; turn the left foot and knee out and bend into the left knee. Sweep the right arm over to the left with the palm up as if making an offering. Bring the hand to about chest height or slightly above the head if you can. Sweep the arm back and change sides. If you are familiar with bowling, the legs should move in much the same way as when delivering the bowling ball. 8. Gazing at the moon – Maintain the same movement for the legs as the previous movement. Turning from the waist, imagine the moon above your left shoulder. As you sweep the arm over to the left side, keep the palm up. This time bend at the elbow of the left arm (going to the left side) and turn the left palm out towards the moon. The right palm supports the energy flow through the left elbow. Pause for a moment in the quiet of the moon, and then repeat to the other side. 9. Wind rustles lotus leaves – Still maintaining a wide stance face forward. Bring the right palm up to the heart level and send healing energy out from the right palm, sweeping the arm out in an arc across the front of the body. Close the right hand and bring it to rest on the right hip. Move the legs as needed. Repeat on the other side. Send out healing energy through the palm of the hand. 10. Cloud hands – Position both hands out to the right, palms facing back. Draw the hands across the torso, moving them from right to left. Pause on the left side and then draw the palms across the torso again, moving the palms from left to right. As the palms pass the torso, you will be re-energizing yourself. 11. Scooping the sea and viewing the sky – Turn to the left. Bend into the left knee. Knee should be in line with the ankle. Back leg straight. Fold at the hips and maintain a neutral spine (slight curve inward of the low back). Keep the abdominal muscles activated. Fold forward over the left leg to a point that is suitable for you. Scoop the arms down in front as if gathering something into the arms. Come to an upright position and unfold the arms towards the sky. Scooping from the depths and opening to the sky. Repeat on the right. 12. Rolling with the waves – Turn slightly towards the left. Bring the left foot forward about a stride’s length. Shifting the weight forward and back between the feet, bring the palms to the heart and send healing energy out to wherever it is most needed. The movement should be flowing like the waves. Move with the waves. Repeat on the other side. 13. Young dove spreads its wings – Maintain the same movement for the legs as the previous position. Change the arm movement. This time as you come forward bend the arms at the elbows and bring the palms out to the sides opening the heart. As you bring the weight into the back leg bring the hands into the heart. Repeat on the other side. This movement represents a gentle giving and a humble receiving. 14. Dragon emerging from the sea – Face forward with a wide stance. Draw a limp right hand up the center of the torso. Bend the left elbow and bring the closed left hand to the left shoulder. Starting the movement from the hips, quickly send the closed hand directly forward. With a spiral motion gently bring the closed left hand to rest on the left hip. Repeat on the other side. 15. Wild goose flying – Turn to the left and step the left foot slightly forward. Shift the weight from the front foot to the back foot as you wave the arms up and down to the sides in a large wing-like movement. Repeat on the right. 16. Windmill turning in the breeze – Face forward feet about hip-width apart. Bring the arms to the sides of the body and then slightly in front. Imagine that you are holding the earth in front of you and curl the hands around this imaginary earth. Then take the arms around in a circle as if you were holding the earth between the hands and bringing it around in front of you in a large circle. Connect to the space all around you. Be attentive to the cyclic nature of all beings. Change direction and sweep the arms the opposite way. 17. Child bouncing ball in the sunshine – Facing forward lift one leg in front bending at the knee. At the same time bring the opposite arm up in front. Palms facing down bring the arms up and down as if you were bouncing a ball in front of you. Shift from one side to the other. Lift the opposite arm and opposite leg. Maintain a soft smile and a fluid movement. 18. Nature’s fragrance drifting up – Face forward with the feet about shoulder width-apart. Bend at the knees and fold at the hips as you bring the hands down in front of you as if ready to scoop something up. Roll the hands around each other as you slowly come up to upright. Bring palms to the forehead. This first time imagine the fragrance of peppermint for purification. Repeat the movement and this second time imagine one of your favorite natural fragrances. Bring the hands above the head for enlightenment. Feel the energy of the earth and heavens and the balance as you bring the hands back to center. Close with the Taoist Greeting and the Cosmic Greeting and step out in peace to the next activity of the day. In peace, Linda Varnam 2009


身體 的原貌 也就不過釋如此


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