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新闻:2013.3.30 主要华人媒体刊登联合会公告并发表评论
















I do not know why, the Health Department but had to do the opposite, to make those things and more restrictions or even wipe out the Chinese medicine.



加国无忧 51.CA 2013年4月9日 08:21 来源:51周报 作者:辛峰








在历史上,西医最早用来表述的文字是拉丁文,而中医的传承、发扬以及行医的原始文字就是中文了。在英法语为官方语言的加拿大,执业中医尽量学会使用本地语言行医,完全应该、也有必要。但是在要求中医使用拉丁文或英文记载病历和开药方的同时,也不应该拒绝和排斥中医本身的祖裔语言——中文,更不应将使用中文书写的中医师吊销执业资格。 - 多伦多 51 网





Chinese culture: Do not be a shame for the descendants of protection in Canada

Canadian carefree 51.CA   April 9, 2013 08:21   Source: 51 Weekly   Author: Xin peak


1 April Fool's Day has passed, claiming of Chinese medicine controversial Ontario law and a series of regulatory legislation has come into force, however, controversy always continues around Chinese medicine topics. In fact, in recent weeks, the Provincial Health Department and over EC with the Chinese Federation of Ontario in the public opinion and legal battle did not account for was obvious upper hand. Not only the CBC, CTV and other English-language media started to pay attention to this big it comes to the survival of traditional Chinese medicine in Ontario, the two major opposition parties also Parliament to the Liberal government fired questioned whether the Provincial Health Department so rough regulated is to help the development of Chinese medicine? Or elimination of the traditional Chinese medicine? Legal action in the face of the Chinese medicine sector, public opinion questioned and the opposition criticism, the provincial Liberal Party internal people began the correctness of the Health Department practices shaken more people quickly "pass the buck" for themselves whiten engage in these TCM regulatory The mess of the blame on to the body of the first few Hu-man Reproduction director.  

Chinese regulatory Ontario could have been a very good thing, as many Internet users have said: the existence of a small number of fish in the Chinese medicine profession in Ontario, there is no real effort the pseudo Chinese medicine only knew arbitrary charges, chaotic doctor even sell counterfeit drugs , due to the existence of such bad the only objective of many Chinese perception of the Chinese medicine industry, the provincial government introduce legislation to regulate Chinese medicine profession should not only absolutely necessary. 

Since the Chinese regulatory goal should be the black sheep of the Chinese medicine profession pseudo Chinese unqualified practitioners, government regulations should have considerable relevance to achieve the ultimate goal of Chinese medicine continue to practice to eliminate substandard. May be regrettable, from regulatory legislation has exposure there is not any effective measures to combat or constraints of any adverse TCM contrary limits due Doctor of Chinese Medicine, the denigration TCM culture, on the manufacture Language shackles of a considerable effort to do a lot of restrictions. If this Bill is really implemented, the Chinese medicine sector can flourish situation in Canada will likely difficult for them to continue, the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese medicine and the patient will be considerable impact.

In Europe, have been difficult to see legitimate, open, openly listed Chinese medicine practitioners to practice medicine, and even traditional Chinese medicine has also been monopolized by the rich and powerful Chinese state-owned enterprises Tongrentang. Where, whether Chinese or locals, even if there is a need, want to get good help and reasonable prices of Chinese medicine Chinese medicine is quite difficult. TCM regulated in Ontario from the surface, to the so-called public interest, but essentially it is Europe's footsteps in the step, if all implement the given time, Chinese medicine here loose situation certainly gone on all seek TCM treatment of patients is a major catastrophe. 

According to the statistics of the Chinese medicine profession in Ontario, so many years since the Chinese medicine treatment of cases has reached nearly one million. In the public health system in Canada, the people at their own expense of traditional Chinese medicine and cure the disease, and this is definitely a great thing to reduce the burden on public health services. It stands to reason that in today's Ontario's finances so strapped circumstances, the provincial government if enough intelligent, should vigorously support the Chinese medicine industry, reduce medical expenses, supplement but no harm in terms of the provincial government treasury. I do not know why, the Health Department but had to do the opposite, to make those things and more restrictions or even wipe out the Chinese medicine. 

TCM legislation in Ontario, back and forth continued for many years, the development of this situation, although the traditional Chinese medicine industry is not doing enough, but the main responsibility still in a provincial government body. The provincial health department directive established over the Authority only civil administrative agencies, develop regulatory legislation, refine the legislative content and purpose of this institution: Originally it should together with the Chinese medicine profession in Ontario, it helps matter of the TCM protection and development. Over Authority and the vast majority of Chinese medicine should also be on the content of the regulatory objectives and regulatory goal is the same, consistent mind, the same interest. However, contrary to the good wishes of the majority, "too Authority has not only failed to become the Chinese medicine industry," mentor ", but into many Chinese rival, hostile.

Over the years, over Authority and representatives of the Ontario Federation of TCM fire and water for more than half of the Chinese medicine industry is not compatible even dispatched police they intend to copy those of the Advisory Council on the go, this practice is not only a departure from the "too Authority original purpose, also set their own the enemy bad image and TCM. Chaotic situation and tensions caused such a mess over Authority, the Provincial Health Department leadership responsibility not only to intervene, but often there is no dispute divided into the "Authority" backing endorsement, this method of leadership really no different with dereliction of duty. Provincial Health Department once because of dereliction of duty, and caused the electronic medical air ambulance team scandal, TCM regulatory confusion will not become another a scandal. 

In history, Western medicine first used to describe the Latin text, the original text of the heritage of Chinese medicine, carry forward, as well as the practice of the Chinese. English and French are the official languages ​​of Canada, practicing Chinese medicine try to learn to use the local language to practice fully should also necessary. But while requirements TCM use Latin or English medical record and prescription, and should not be refused and exclusion TCM ancestral languages ​​- Chinese, Chinese writing Chinese medicine practitioners should not be disqualified for practice. - Toronto 51 Network

Now, in English and French in Canada, the West physician can use Western medicine ancestors language medical records, prescriptions written in Latin, practicing Chinese medicine at the same time does not exclude the English used in medical the ancestors language - Chinese written records and prescribe what is wrong with that? "Over Authority mandatory ban Chinese medical records, does not allow even the Chinese and English coexist despite Chinese medicine itself regularly messing around. 

Due to dereliction of duty and "over the mess of the Authority of the Ontario Ministry of Health, the originally well-intentioned TCM legislative and regulatory became engaged in a barrel" Paste ", despite the April 1 has passed, but it is far from end. TCM Federation has put forward a legal challenge, and opposition parties are also provincial councils issued question within the Liberal Party people began to Health Department dissatisfaction, our Chinese community and the Chinese medicine profession should give up their differences and unite to overthrow this the unreasonable regulatory Ordinance struggle. 

Due to the existence of some unqualified practitioners in Chinese medicine industry, so far there are a lot of Chinese TCM industry colleagues struggle, do not understand or biased. However, regardless of the Chinese medicine profession in Ontario if there are black sheep, and the Provincial Health Department and "over-the Commission" is not appropriate regulatory legislation is completely different. The scum of the Chinese medicine industry exists, and thus we should hit the industry as a whole, this rationale barrier. If the wings-ban ordinance adopted by Toronto City Council in the year before just the injustice of a small number of people, then and now the TCM industry unreasonable regulated on the impact to the overall TCM culture. Claimed over EC regulatory legislation come into effect on April 1, a greater impact on the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese population, damage from the nature and impact of surface deeper consequences more serious. 

One hundred years ago, the Canadian federal Liberal government introduced contrary to justice "poll tax" policy, concocted after the Chinese Exclusion Act, now Ontario's Liberal government to follow suit "predecessors" to come up with a destroyed Chinese culture, regulatory legislation. This is not only related to the Chinese medicine industry as well as the interests of patients, little things, but it comes to the interests of the entire Chinese, the major event of the survival of the Chinese culture, multiculturalism prosperity. For this type of injustice, unfair things, it is necessary to issue a strong community voice.

Chinese populations in the Greater Toronto Area, there are hundreds of large and small associations, the Federation, the Federation has a lot, but so far, few TCM issue to come forward and speak up groups to openly support the Chinese The community leaders, community members are even scarcer. Just past during the Spring Festival, the Chinese media almost every week to see persons of our societies and at all levels of politicians festive feast, eating and drinking toast photo. Since our community who have so much time, energy, money and Members politicians dealing with Latin American relations, that what reason silencer in the event it comes to the survival of TCM culture? Xi Jinping, the President has said that during the trip in the just concluded visit to Russia: Chinese medicine is one of the treasures of Chinese culture. Our community so much patriotism, love the community leaders of the party also should act quickly stop dallying, the maximum indicative "of the President when the ear. 

Protect TCM culture should never be just TCM Federation yourself alone, ordinary Chinese community, the community should lend a helping hand. Today, the twenty-first century, has long been not a hundred years ago, the era of the "poll tax", if we have such an obvious violation of justice, is extremely detrimental to the TCM culture initiatives are afraid to fight, not to overthrow it Qi worthy of the Chinese people?

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